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News Releases: Water Quality and Quantity

Report: Pharmaceutical, personal care and endocrine disrupting substances – emerging contaminants detected in water makes recommendations
March 06, 2006

Citizens' Guide to Pollution Prevention NOW AVAILABLE
March 28, 2005

Public ignored in Great Lakes water management talks
December 03, 2004

Too many pollutants finding their way into Canada's drinking water, report calls for national sewer standards
November 30, 2004

U. S. focuses on Great Lakes clean-up while Canada falls further behind
March 02, 2004

Drinking Water Quality Standards in Ontario - Are they Tough?
September 22, 2003

Canadian polluters increased chemical releases by 20% from 1995 to 2001
June 20, 2003

Hog farms left to ensure water protection
June 28, 2002

Environmental group demands that provincial budget cover full costs to protect drinking water
June 13, 2002

CIELAP and Environmental Commissioner consistent in criticising provincial governments handling of Great Lakes Agreement, GM Food issues and Managing Hazardous Waste
November 1, 2000

What Needs to be Done to Prevent Another Disaster: The Walkerton E. Coli Outbreak
July 4, 2000

Environment Ministers abandon cleanup agreements covering 16 Great Lakes toxic hotspots in Ontario
April 4, 2000

Canada - Ontario commitment to Great Lakes clean up expires tomorrow
March 30, 2000